Expression of Submission: How bodybuilding fits into my submission
For a long time I struggled with my health and my body image. My Master pushed me slowly over the years to work on it, but never a requirement. I did by myself, but realized I was getting nowhere near my body goals. My health improved and I made significant progress on that, but I needed more guidance on having the kind of body I wanted. My Master has always been into fitness, be it power lifting or bodybuilding. So this past year I handed over my diet and fitness to my Master forever. It made sense and I kick myself now for waiting so long.
What was once a hard limit when I was younger slowly became a softer limit until I realized I had no problem giving that up. I wanted to. It was necessary. It was necessary all those years ago too. I was too stubborn for my own good. My journey over 18 years to slavehood has been full of surprises, this one being no different. You will have mixed feelings, but your truth will always win out even in spite of yourself. It’s incredibly freeing to let it ring true rather than fight it.
Why fight it? It’s been a wonderful experience so far. Not only do I feel my submission deepening, but I’m learning a lot about how my body functions in relation to my medical conditions. We picked bodybuilding because after showing him images of how I would like to look he thinks that will get me to where I want to be. Together I know we will get me there.
The benefits have been really good for me, better sex, orgasms, more horny, better health, less aging, better sleep, etc etc and most importantly I feel like I am truly pleasing my Master and honoring myself in the process. Everyday my submission deepens and I feel more like the slave I want to become, Fizzy.
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